• Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Album Zip

    Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Album Zip

    Nov 14, 2017 - Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory (2000) (320kbps). Genre: Nu Metal. 12Pushing Me Away3:11. 320kbps // mp3 // Download.

    Contents. Background This 8-track demo CD was discovered in June 2009 when it was auctioned on eBay. According to the seller, the CD dates from 1998 and was the first demo with Chester Bennington in the band, which was given by the band's manager to an high executive of Warner Bros. This information is wrong for many reasons: Chester joined the band in 1999, Linkin Park signed their first contract with Warner in November 1999, and 'She Couldn't' samples the song 'B-Boy Document '99' by The High & Mighty which was released in the summer of 1999. That puts this demo CD in the timeframe between the release of the and the, which still makes it some of the earliest demo material from the band.

    Writing and Recording ' was re-recorded with new instrumental and vocal takes. Lyrically, it's almost the same as the version, but without 'Ah! I hate you so much right now!' Being yelled at the beginning. ' goes against a lot of stereotypes regarding early Hybrid Theory/Linkin Park material. The song clocks in at over 5 minutes in length, and features an extended instrumental breakdown.

    It's also one of the softest songs the band has produced, particularly from this era. This is also an extremely rare case of a Linkin Park song sampling music from another artist (which may be part of the reason it was scrapped so early on the process). ' and ' are both different from the 9-track demo versions, featuring different vocal parts, including some different lyrics.

    The intro on 'Part Of Me' is also slightly longer than its previous versions. ', ', ', and ' are all identical to their counterparts on the 9-track demo. Composition This CD offers some insight into where Hybrid Theory was as a band at this point, still a year or so away from the release of. The quality of the songs in general isn't good. The last 3 tracks in particular are hindered by a lot of static. Track Listing No. Title Writer(s) Length 1 3:52 2 3:16 3 2:51 4 3:51 5 5:26 6 3:00 7 3:45 8 4:29 Trivia.

    Copies of the CD were obtained by fan site LPLive and made available for free download on July 1, 2009. External Links. References., June 26, 2009., June 28, 2009., January 20, 2002., May 21 2014., July 01, 2009.

    Not creative. And certainly not talented. Linkin Park is a band which hit nearly instant success in 2000. Having one previous EP that they never released in stores, although was sent to various labels as a demo, and was later sent out to fan club members at a certain point. Linkin Park jumped right on the success train. With an album perfectly fitting for today's youth: Whining, depressed about nothing at all, and repetitious. Just like most kids hitting puberty happen to be.

    There are very few points on this album which show any level of songwriting ability above that of your typical high-school band which doesn't get outside of the garage. Except Linkin Park had more money. The only real skill in this band lies between two people. DJ Hahn is actually quite talented, although they don't let him accomplish a bloody thing in this band.

    How to uninstall ethernet driver. And secondly, Mike Shinoda is actually somewhat talented with rapping, at least with scripted rap. No clue if he can freestyle or not, and I quite frankly don't care. But he's decent. More talent there than the rest of the band. Regardless, the music is extremely repetitious and dull. There are no lyrics in this whole forty minute disaster that show any sign of anyone in the band being above the age of ten.

    These are worse than what I wrote when I was eleven. The guitar is power chords in drop D throughout the whole CD, that anyone with an amp, effects box, and a tuner can play. Terrible music for a future generation of kids who are embracing the worst popular music of any generation.

    One of the most creative albums on todays market!! Linkin Park puts together two genres of music mixing Hip-Hop and Alternative Rock. Linkin Park's rapper Mike Shinoda adds in his smart and creative style clearing stating things on his mind. I have never heard Mike talk about drugs and violence as most of todays artists do. Yes I do call them artists because of Mike.

    Chester Bennington (the lead vocalist) knows how to use his voice well and can write lyrics that are very emotional. The who Linkin Park band write inspiring and motivational lyrics that are creative and I recommend them for anyone rock or hip-hop fan. A amazeing album, best i've ever listened to. This may be the best cd I ever bought. Linkin Park is very talented, and they use that talent well.

    This is really the album that started Linkin Park world-wide fame. Chester Bennington's screams, rasps, and some much softer vocals are perfectly coupled with Mike Shinoda's skillful raping. (its so hard to find skilled rap vocalist now days) The heavy guitar riffs only add to the great overall sound of this album, and I can hardly think of a way to make it better.

    Here is a quick rateing and description of this albums tracks. 1.Papercut 10/10 A great start to the album. Papercut is a upbeat song about paranoia, full of lots of Mike's raping combined with some raping from Chester in the chorus.

    And a great harmony at the end. 2.One Step Closer 10/10 Who doen't love this song. This is a heavy, Chester-led song, with heavy guitar riffs, and the poetic screaming of SHUT UP!!!, SHUT UP!! SHUT UP WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!!! (the best part of the song) 3.With You 9/10 Not as hard as one step closer, but an overall strong song.

    This is another great combo. Of Mikes raping, and some mostly more relaxed vocals from chester. Points of Authority 10/10 A deeply rap-hip hop title, howwever chesters vocals are still present. The intrumentals are very techno-electronica in nature, combined with fast guitar sounds. Crawling 10/10 This grammy winning song is one of the best on the album. This song perfectly combines hard and softer vocals from chester, creating a feel i havn't experienced in any other song. Runaway 9/10 A song about wanting to run away, one line states, 'I wanna run away, and open up my eyes'.

    Another great overall song. By Myself 8/10 A great song full of chesters sometimes unrecegonizable screams.


    (gotta love those). In the End 10/10 Probably the best song on the album. This is one off the songs that really put Linkin Park on the map. A Place for My Head 10/10 Probably the heavyest song on the album, as stated in the unrelenting screaming of 'YOU TRY TO TAKE THE BEST OF ME, GO AWAY!!!!

    Which is repeted several times. Forgotten 10/10 A great combo of some slower raping, with chesters great emotion filled vocals. I cant help but listening to this over and over again.

    Cure For The Itch 7/10 Starts out a little different, with a voice saying, something about a very special guest, Mr. Hahn is Joe Hahn, a member of the band) Then, its mostly instrumental wiht only a few words, 12.

    Pushing Me Away 10/10 A great ending to the album. This has some of chesters softer vocals, with som raping from Mike. Its as the title says, is about being pushed away from those you love. Overall Rateing, 10/10. Definitely worth buying, And I would get the special version, wich includes My December, 10/10, and High Voltage, 9/10, along with a live version of Papercut, 10/10, (papercut is always better live) trust me.

    Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Album Zip